Hey, site's still under construction so expect everything to be broken, but if you'd like to see it take shape feel free to check back every now and then! 👷🏽
Basic framework needs:
Sections...I'm still unsure of what I want to build on here to chat about first, I'm thinking pokemon, music, and coding till I figure out other stuff. Maybe something with books?
Overall design needs to be thought about
Once design is kinda handled, work on backend and API. Maybe we have our db set to supabase since I tend to just use mongo
Components need to be built (stuff like a custom button template, etc)
Navigation ideas. Honestly, a traditional navbar seems fine to me for v1
shallow a11y audit (I still have a bunch of divs laying around, so we gotta change those into articles, sections, asides etc before everything gets too big), light WCAG lookthrough for stuff like contrast, using of REM instead of px for fonts, etc
Mobile first Home layout
Implement markdown functionality to make blogposts easier for me since i tend to love using MD and this means I can use Obsidian.md to preview my posts
add an 88 x 31 button template
Fix up site badges, and make a html box thingy for friends to get my code
create favicon
Add backend persistence to this list
Make my code section titled: console cowboy's saloon, make theming fit that for fun!